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What it means to be a disciple

How to read the Bible well

26 January 2020 — Ray Markham

Ray lays out eight key points that will enable you to read the bible well.

The Bible:

  1. is not a book; it is a library

  2. is not chronological

  3. should be read with supporting notes and books

  4. should be read at a time, in a place and in a way that suits you

You should:

  1. ask God to speak to you through it

  2. meditate on what you have read

  3. mark your bible or keep a notebook nearby

  4. memorise verses

More recordings in this series

What is Mission?
Why get baptised?
Living sacrifice
How to read the Bible well
Why pray?

Other recordings by Ray Markham

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Understanding Paul Study 14: The End Times
Understanding Paul Study 13: The Holy Spirit (part 2)
Understanding Paul Study 12: The Holy Spirit (Part 1)