Connect Group

Did you know you’re designed to live in community?

Being connected is the best way to become more involved in Bretton Baptist Church and will help you feel part of our church community.

Our Connect Groups aim to connect us to:

GOD through worship and word EACH OTHER through discipleship and care THE WORLD through service and mission

We have groups that meet during the day as well as on most weekday evenings and everyone is encouraged to find a group that suits them. Most groups meet in people’s homes across the city but some of our daytime groups meet at church.

Leading the next generation to discover who God is and find confidence in who they are in Him.

Our connect groups aimed at young people provide a safe place they can have fun and belong. A place to discuss real issues and experience worship, activities, and teaching while building meaningful friendships together each week.


Tuesday nights for years 4–6


Tuesday nights for years 7–9


Sunday nights for years 10–13